Quote mrs cindy russell="mrs cindy russell"As one post above states 'knowing where it took place, and ctv all around there, then hopefully the police will be able to identify the attackers, and prosecute them' ....it is no use expecting forum board members to pick them out without a clue as to who they are. The police will surely be the best option and hopefully will be thus apprehended and punished. ......grannyfan Cindy'"
Unfortunately in this society the police and the criminal legal system is not the best option. As somebody else said, they would probably end up with a caution. The problem is that our penal policy is based on a system of numbers of prison cells available, and not offending rates and locking up scum.
Vigillantyism seems like the only real option which will ever sort this country out now and pull it from the dogs.
Unfortunately not enough people seem aggrieved enough to take direct action. We have a minority of scum and underclass in this country, and examples like this are endemic everywhere. This scum constantly spoil the lives of 95% of the rest of the decent population. Until the rest of society hits back we will have to put up with increasing numbers of scum, and increases in incidents like this!!!
Unfortunately there were either not enough other people in this area, or too many cowards at the time of the incident to back this man up. On this occasion two wrongs would have certainly made a right, and its a shame there werent 5 or 10 decent lads there who could have jumped these lads themselves and put them in hospital.