Ok, I've had another look at all the maps and info, and have determined the following.
As Iain states, the large stand is the West stand.
The stand behind the goals ([size=85and closest the the M60[/size) is the North stand.
[size=85North point of the build is where these 2 stands meet.[/size
If you choose the South stand ([size=85behind the goals[/size), the big screen will be over your right shoulder.
If you choose to go in the East stand, you will probably be looking into the setting sun. So, those who like to view the game from along the touchline would probably want to opt for the West stand.
So, for those not wishing to sit, it looks like behind the goalposts in the North stand will have a combination of a good view of the big screen and no setting sun in your eyes.
I think that's correct
I'm now off for a lie down.