Quote westridingeagle="westridingeagle"If it's Woods I hope we do the business on them good and proper I remember he always used to run the eagles down when he was a co-compare on premier sports - '"
I didn't see/hear that but because I don't think it will be Dave Woods,to me,and hopefully a number of players in the squad,it will be an added incentive to win the game,convincingly.
IF he did run the Eagles down it may have been deliberate banter with Hendo as they were together at Castleford in 2005 when Cas won promotion.
As a PS I notice the followers of York City Knights,where the players are without training facilities and Stadium,seem to have fallen out with the chairman who they backed when Dave Woods went to court.
Seems a female member of York council sussed the chairman out.Just a possibility my favourite assiduous Aussie,and the female member of York council are the only ones to utter the truth [url=http://www.yorkcommunitystadium.co.uk/further-council-statement-negotiations-with-john-guildford/HERE[/url
Who'd have thunk it...?
Who knows what goes on behind the scenes at professional sports clubs,eh?