Quote Faxhali="Faxhali"I completely agree with you there, The police are discracefull, Just like bouncers on a club, once out of the ground they dont care, there were loads of police in the ground but as soon as it finished and featherstone left the stands hardly any went out to check for skirmishes, Oposing Fans should enter by opposite gates and Coaches should be parked at opposite ends with a police presence ready for anything to happen, In my honest opinion, there was always going to be a bit of trouble when opposing fans go out on the lash all day as tempers are freight and passion is high, however, with a little planning from HJ stadium regarding coaches being away from each other and seperate gates, police presence etc most of this could be avoided. The RFL should spend money on the grandfinal security and logistics becuase they take all the cash from the gates don't they.'"
We are talking about a RL game here and not that overated crap with the round ball. None of this should happen at all we pride ourselves on being a familly and the rubbish singing and violence has absolutely no part to play in it. I can walk where I like after a game with Widnes or Barrow or Halifax but I would not do this at Fev or a lot of other yorkshire teams. The white rose is starting to get a bit of a brown tinge to it and the sooner it gets sorted the better. Leave the violence to the players and just enjoy the game. The days of dry games are not far away if this type of thing carries on.