Quote Staffs FC="Staffs FC"We have a victory - some fans enjoy it for what it is - a victory. Then we get someone coming on claiming that we all think that "everything in the garden is rosy". Where have people said that ? Fans enjoying a victory doesn't mean that all of a sudden everyone thinks we're world beaters. You are making a connection that doesn't exist. I would think that most fans fear the worst on Monday.'"
Sorry, wrong choice of words. I was just agreeing with the OP in that a one off victory doesn't alter the bigger picture, the one were we continually flatter to deceive. We always feel better in the immediate aftermath of a victory, particularly a derby win, only to be brought back down to earth soon after.
I think nearly all of us now realise that one victory isn't going to suddenly propel us above Wigan/Wire/Sts and this weekend will probably be another affirmation of that. I'm the same as everyone else today, merely enjoying yesterday's game for what it was, no more no less.
Like I said, it was a wrong choice of words. That's the problem with Internet forums, pretty easy to put your point across wrongly.