Quote gazthered="gazthered"[iMcRae added: "I know people will say we are in the public eye and that people pay their money to come and watch but that should be the cut-off point.
"Criticism is fine but personal abuse is not. I was abused, and so was the chairman in a separate incident, and that is totally inappropriate[/i
whoever hurled abuse at our chairman is no fan and a complete t0sser in my eyes, get a grip people it's a game lets judge at the end of the season ffs'"
The moron/s who are hurling personal abuse at any of the staff, coaching or otherwise are a
For anyone to personally abuse the chairman is beyond belief to any sane person who knows anything about the club and our chairman.
I do not care how much anyone spends watching a match , it does not give them the freedom to hurl personal abuse at anyone
and the club would be better off without these people.
The sad thing is that any person who wants to query any of the staff or directors can do at any of the regular meetings that are held by Forever Reds and not many professional clubs put their coaching staff, players and directors up for questioning on a fairly regular basis as Salford City Reds do.