Quote vikings 4 ever="vikings 4 ever"I think Toulouse being in the Championship is good for the licencing process. IMO it would be unfair to decide licences based on various factors when teams are playing in different divisions. What I don't like is talk like that of Dally Messenger, who thinks you can just decide a licence purely on the back of location and population. As things stand at the moment, from a Widnes perspective, we should have nothing to fear from a bid from Toulouse. If there was just one licence place available, Widnes would (IMO) be the obvious choice, but some people always want to look past the obvious for something more exciting.'"
How the RFL offer licences is as transparent as a brick wall.
IF, and it is a big IF they actually applied the rules (Biased though they were) fairly throughout the game then certain teams would not be in SL.
Thee fact they didn't showed the whole thing up for the rigged farce it was and still is.
The RFL "systems" have screwed, Widnes, Cougars, Gateshead along with others in the name of "openess and fairness".
They change the rules as they go along.
There are 5 definite teams and 1 more probably whose grounds do NOT fulfill the SL criteria and will not by the next franchise offers. You can bet your bottom dollar that "excuses" will be made as to why so and so were reprieved.
With this in amongst other things the RFL's credibility is IMO open to question.
To put it in perspective, Richard Lewis has, IMO, made a positive difference to the game so imagine the shamble it would be without him and currently it's not great.
As far as I can see there is no long term plan for the game just piecemeal bits and bats with no cohesive thought or planning.
If there is it is well hidden or its implementation and actions are not working from where I stand.
The game will continue, of that I have no doubt, but in what format, system and organisation is anybodys guess.