Quote eels fan="eels fan"You don't know what I go and watch as I've never told you and I never will simply because I actually don't want to talk to you if you haven't noticed.
You can watch what you like, I'll do the same thanks, I have never said there isn't anything wrong with RL and I have ceratinly never said it's all full of roses.
But you knew that, you're just a pathetic liar who needs to make things up instead of searching and proving a person has said these things.
I have said RL can learn from Soccer and other Big sports, I actually posted it in this forum a few months ago.
But you continue with the lies.
I have nothing to say to Guttergas and I made my point and it was final, there is no response to the turd (at least not here). I think he along with you and Bazza are a bunch of pathetic trolls ruining any debate of RL on this forum by changing the subject onto other sports, comparing to other sports, or simply attacking other posters for daring to post an article or a link to RL news.
If Guttergas what's to debate Rugby League, let him, he doesn't need his (you) little b!tch to hold his hand does he?
If I reply to guttergas the way I'd like to reply to his trolling, I'll get banned as he seems protected at this site, I'm just looking after myself.
Other than that, you and guttergas know where I post at another site that has a forum in place just for this type of debate so it doesn't ruin threads relating to RL, the two of you could always join in and give your best as a tag team partnership, I'm all for it, are you?'"
You have nothing to say to Gutterfax because he has backed you into a corner and you have nowhere to go - slam dunked - far too easily.
I don't post on any other RL site, I have other interests outside of RL - which along with golf is the only sport I watch live.
Both my sons play at elite amateur level and have done so since being eleven years. My support for grass roots rugby league is like that of hundreds of parents who encourage their kids to play RL i.e. transport too and from training/matches, financial support with kit, subs, raffles etc standing outside in northern England in November-February on pitches exposed to the elements like Elland is no fun.
This is why I don't take you seriously because you talk about supporting the game, paying your subscription to Channel Nine doesn't count as support IMO. When you get out and get involved in an amateur club, get off your backside and attend a few games I will start taking you views seriously. You and Dally are clones and typical of Sydney sports fan - and we know that will not happen - as the saying goes actions speak louder than words. You are the worst type of hypocrite.
On expansion, when the clubs can generate sufficient revenue streams that they don't have to rely on non-RL related punters stuffing coins into slot machines then I would consider expansion.
When the clubs have reached saturation point in terms of attendances then I would also consider expanding, how often do any of the clubs in the NRL fill their grounds to capacity?
When all the current clubs have facilities that would be considered world class then I would also consider expansion - how many clubs in the NRL can claim to have world class stadiums?
The reliance on SSI youngsters would also be an issue for me. If you see what has happened in the West Indies to cricket the same will happen to RL in Australia.
Expansion is great if you have reached saturation point - RL in Australia is far from that.