We are sure that you will remember that Rycroft very sadly died aged just 16 months last June. Rycroft’s mum and dad, Catherine and Andrew (aka af on RLFANS and @andrewfoster101 on twitter) are looking for 74 more generous people to give just £10. 

Thousands of people have already donated, Catherine and Andrew are roughly 98% of the way there, and they just need a final push to hit their funding target and be able to give £60,000 to his three charities - Great Ormond Street Hospital, Colchester Children’s Ward and SDS UK. 

Catherine and Andrew are going back to Colchester Children’s Ward on Thursday this week, on Rycroft’s birthday, as it was the place where he celebrated the only birthday he saw. It would be so great if they were going having achieved their target and able to donate the full amount in Rycroft’s memory, on his birthday, to help other children like him, fighting for their lives.

You can donate here to help Rycroft reach his target, a fitting tribute to a brave young man and part of our great community for far too short a time.

Help Rycroft reach the target.


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Posted by RLFANS News Hound on Mon 12th Feb 2024 8:43 AM | Views : 25072 | Replies : 0 | BACK TO STORIES