Quote adelaide-giant.no9="adelaide-giant.no9"one of the problems that the game had with p and r was the fact that when a team were relegated they basically had to release most of their players to get under the lower salary cap, i know a lot of this came about when hudds went down and kept the same players and went undefeated.
as a trinity fan if you were to come bottom and get relegated in the old fashion you would still be in a better position after losing your players than you will be if the rfl just dump you in the championship for at least 3 years with no promotion back to the top flight guranteed.
expansion is good for the game if it is done correctly, look at the nrl who are going to expand in a couple of years and teams have been laying the foundations in perth, adelaide and brisbane for new teams, it has taken 4-5 years of hard graft and development of the game to get to this point whereas the rfl just say..... lets play in wales and start from scratch, the game could look very silly over the winter if wakey are kicked out for crusaders who then in turn go bust/ cease to exist..'"
The one big difference between expansion over here and in Aus is that Rugby League in Aus is their No1 sport,Having been there it is a Rugby League fans dream come true,Not a sniff of Football in the papers and everyone is Rugby League mad and would go and watch any 2 teams throwing around an oval ball.
We CANNOT simply follow the Aussies with everything they do!!!
For gods sake we cannot even compete with them at all nowadays at International level so that proves we gone backwards and Super League hasn't progressed anywhere near the NRL so why do everything that they do?