Quote Sharpy_4a="Sharpy_4a"Understand what your saying bud, perhaps its just that i seldom have sympathy for people!
95% of peoples problems are self made!
Any proffesional athlete has a short career, which can be made even shorter at any point (lucas, clarke), and to increase your risk of making it shorter is the dumbest thing that you can do!
That midweek session dont make much sence now does it.
He new the risk, he took the chance and it has bitten him big style.
If wigan do get shot, what are his options, with his qualifications, skill set and employability in the real world?
He could if he wanted to put his social life on hold for another 4 years retired at 30 with more cash than he would ever have earned and just done what he wanted to at a relativly young age!
I know thats all very high and mighty of me, but how stupid do you have to be!'"
Don't get me wrong, I know what you mean. The guy has been very stupid and part of me says that it serves him right.
On the other hand he's probably had temptation put in his way many times and he hasn't had the judgment to realise that he had too much to lose, to change his circle of friends, that's why I feel sorry for him. I doubt he did it out of arrogant malice but a stupid failure to realise he needed to keep away from drugs.
Unfortunately for Hock he doesn't seem to have had the judgment to take these hard choices, to keep away from friends and situations which could lead to problems. I feel sorry for him because I can understand how someone could be weak and stupid enough to make those kinds of mistakes, even if its not something I would ever do myself.