I remember the survey being done , but I also remember many of the conclusions not being very specific , ie preferred match day and time , also as has been suggested , there are two distinct sides to things , fans who do attend , and those that don't
So an actual fans ( attending ) survey will only tell you preferred options , and those vary quite considerably , the information you do want is age , location and ST or individual ticket options and the like , hence my ' ticket book ' suggestion
As jonny suggested , it would also help with looking at transport to stadium options , but the problem again is that the move to the LSV and subsequent changes in peoples pre and post match habits are now set , and therefore hard to change
So we then come to the problem of getting more fans , how do you ' survey ' them ?
You come up with the age old issue of is it worth trying to tempt back Ex fans , or concentrate on new ones
To me the ' Ex ' is exactly that ' Ex ' , any energy trying to get them back is a complete waste of time , they might return , but only until you have one , what they consider ' bad ' result , and that will be the last you see of them , you cannot rely on either a winning team or playing fantastic RL , as quite simply that is beyond your control
So for me it is the 90 percent of our ' population ' that have never set foot inside the LSV or watched LRLFC play before that we need to target , how you ' survey ' them is a very difficult one , the only logical way is to get them into the stadium to watch a game , and then ask the questions
Where having details of your existing customers is important in this instance is having a point of contact that allows you to explain what you are doing and why you are doing it
Ultimatly the point of contact with the 90 percent who are potential customers/fans is the community dept , it is how you use that which will decide what our future will be , we tried at Hilton Park , we dedicated part of the Hilton stand as a ' family ' section , we had fans arguing with us that " I always sit here , I'm not moving " , so fair enough , we left them sat in the middle of a load of screaming kids , they put up with it then grudgingly moved over to the next section 20 feet away
Now the LSV is a completely different situation , it is very simple to have dedicated areas for different types of fan , be they long term diehards , or families on a free ticket incentive , but as I said , communication is the key , if you don't get the message across , you will be criticised , and incentives will be abused , which then causes more resentment
We all want the same thing , a club to follow